Locomotion Control of a Quadruped robot with sensory feedback Simulation of a cantering gait.
Red feet indicate a contact with the ground.
Locomotion Control of a Quadruped robot with sensory feedback Simulation of a trotting gait.
Red feet indicate a contact with the ground.
Locomotion Control of a Quadruped robot with sensory feedback Simulation of a galloping gait.
Red feet indicate a contact with the ground.
Heading Control of a Quadruped robot During this simulation the robot has the task to follow a vertical line of equation x=1 for the first 20 second and then it tries to follow a new line of equation x=2. This simulation was performed adopting the steering control with equation "gamma = -Kd*d + Kh*(theta_actual - theta_desired)" with Kd = 15 and Kh = 15.
Heading Control of a Quadruped robot Kd = 15 and Kh = 10. An overshoot in trajectory can be noticed.
Heading Control of a Quadruped robot Kd = 10 and Kh = 15 that revealed to be the best solution among the three set of couple values.
Paolo Arena, Andrea Bonanzinga, Luca Patanè, Role of feedback and local coupling for the
locomotion control of a quadruped robotThe 16th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications 2018, To appear.
Paolo Arena, Andrea Bonanzinga, Luca Patanè, Emergence of locomotion gaits
through sensory feedback in a
quadruped robotFrom Parallel to Emergent Computing
Editors: Andrew Adamatzky, Selim Akl, Georgios Sirakoulis, Taylor & Francis Group. To appear.